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Tongue cleaning, also known as tongue scraping, is the daily Ayurvedic ritual of gently scraping unwanted toxins & residue off of the tongue.


Traditionally this practice is done with copper for its powerful antiseptic effects. Tongue cleaning eliminates the bacteria which cause bad breath, draws ama, or toxins, out of the body & improves digestion by stimulating the taste buds.



  • Expels ama (toxic residue).
  • Freshens breath.
  • Improves sense of taste.
  • Assists in healthy, optimal digestion.
  • Stimulates the large intestine (prepares the body for excretion/elimination).
  • Eradicates harmful bacteria from your mouth.
  • Invigorates the senses.


Experience the ultimate oral hygiene tool! 

Paavani AyurvedaCopper Tongue Cleaner

  • I can't remember when I started scraping my tongue in the morning but I know it's sometime I NEVER miss once I started doing it. When I travel it comes with me and it's the first thing I do when I get out of bed in the morning. It just feels good to get the gunk out before you start your day! 

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